How to show archive folder in outlook
How to show archive folder in outlook


For help, please call the Help Desk at x1234. This may say: Close Personal Folder, depending on your version of Outlook.

how to show archive folder in outlook

pst file by right-clicking on the name and choosing "Close ". This folder may be listed as Personal Folder, depending on your version of Outlook When you are finished you can close the. From there you can navigate to any folder you chose to backup. pst file will be placed in the folder list. pst files can NOT be opened from a CD, so you must first copy the file onto your C: drive or keep a copy there. This may appear as Outlook Archive, instead of Outlook Backup. When you find the file you want to open click "OK". Remember you must navigate to where you saved the file. To do this all that you need to do is select "File->Open->Outlook Data File." Tell the program what file you want to open. PST fileNow lets say you want to view one of more folders in the. But if you want to be sure they are there you can open it first to make sure. All E-mails that are no longer required to be readily available can be deleted, don't worry they are in the. pst file now be burned to a CD for long term storage and convenience. Be aware that the exporting may take some time depending on how many items need exported. Here you also have the option of protecting the. The "Encryption Setting" can be left on "Compressible Encryption". Give the folder an unique name so when it is loaded into Outlook you can tell the difference between your current mailbox and your archived one. To do this click on the "Filter" button and make you selections. If desired a person could choose to export only messages that have the word "SDSM&T" in the subject. To archive all folders just choose "Mailbox - " and check "Include subfolders" box. pst file so choose that from the list of possibilities. Part 1: Exporting to a FileFirst, click on "File" from the menu bar and choose "Import and Export.".As we will soon see this menu selection can be used to import and export to various file formats. pst file may also be kept on your hard drive. Once archiving is complete it is suggested that the resulting file (in this case a. Saving does not have to be done everyday or even every week, but should be done at least once a month or when your account exceeds server space limits (600mb). While backing up is very easy to do, few people actually take advantage of this feature in Microsoft Outlook. Putting them into an archive helps manage your Exchange quota. Saving allows you to take older emails which you may no longer need readily, but may have some need of in the future.


Select the email in your inbox that you want to archive.This web page will instruct you on how to archive your E-mail messages using Microsoft Outlook 2000/2002.


Check out the products mentioned in this article: Apple Macbook Pro (From $1,299.00 at Apple) Acer Chromebook 15 (From $358.99 at Staples) How to archive emails in a Microsoft Outlook inboxġ. If you want to clean up your inbox, here's how to archive an email on Outlook in four easy steps. You currently can't archive emails from other folders, such as your drafts or sent folders. Since archiving is meant to move emails from your inbox into your archive folder, you'll need to be logged in to your Outlook account and have your inbox open.

how to show archive folder in outlook

This is almost the mid 21st Century and cannot believe how much time I waste looking for things because of this very simple ask. The process of archiving an email in Outlook only takes a couple of clicks. It is utter insanity that Outlook does not easily show the paths of a folder, only which folder it is in. The feature helps you save the messages you might need without choosing between trashing them or a clogged inbox. Many email clients can archive old emails, and Microsoft Outlook is no exception.Īrchiving an email moves it from your inbox into a designated folder created by your email client, where it's easily accessible but out of sight.

How to show archive folder in outlook